Genealogy Zenda Zdradzinski - Genealogia Kierzenkowskich, Kierzankowskich

Statistics — Genealogy Zenda Zdradzinski - Genealogia Kierzenkowskich, Kierzankowskich

This family tree was last updated on February 2, 2025.

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The Zenda - Zdradzinski family, the origins of their life in the USA, emigration, and name change.
February 2, 2025 - 3:40:14 p.m.

You can learn about the history of the Zenda family, their immigration to the US, the origin of their name, and details about the family.

The life of the Zenda - Zdradziński family in the eyes of their mother.
April 29, 2022 - 7:28:03 p.m.

In her letters from America to Poland, Konstancja Zdradzińska (née Kierzankowska) described the situation in her family and the reasons for changing her surname to Zenda. How life went in the family. Not everyone changed their surname. The brothers Józef and Walter stayed with their family name.

Walter Zenda
April 29, 2022 - 7:24:21 p.m.

Walter Zenda's original name was Władysław Zdradziński. 
Like his brother Józef (Joseph), due to a pronunciation problem at work, he changed his name and surname.
Since then he has been called Walter Zenda.
His family also stopped using the family name and his descendants bear the surname Zenda.

Jozeph Zenda
April 29, 2022 - 7:20:51 p.m.

Jozeph Zdradziński changed his name to Zenda. 
He lived in Milwaukee. This had to do with pronunciation difficulties and problems at work.
Since then, his name has been Joseph Zenda.
His family also stopped using the family name and called themselves Zenda. 

Family history, Zenda family tree
Zenda - Zdradzinski family history
Genealogy Zenda Zdradzinski - Genealogia Kierzenkowskich, Kierzankowskich
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